Monday, July 19, 2010

If you though a P-patch was urban gardening...

Then check out our fire escape. How many plants can you squeeze on a fire escape without getting in trouble? Apparently, as many as you want in Hoboken since lawlessness seems to rule the road (double-parked cars galore). So, we decided not to worry about a few plants placed slightly illegally on our otherwise wasted fancy real estate (the "deck").

We missed our P-patch so much that we couldn't just leave all our veggies behind! Tomatoes had to come with least a few...and of course the basil. And one spicy pepper plant for good measure. How can we waste this 100 degree sunlight? It's sweaty and disgusting for me and magic fertilizer for plants. I won't lie though...I do pine for my rhubarb and zucchini plants...but they are simply not fire escape terrace size, this year...

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